Inside the ER

Episode 1: Introduction

Dr. Padraic Gerety Episode 1

An introduction to the podcast. Start here!

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Hello and welcome to Inside the ER. My name is Dr. Padraic Gerety and I’m a practicing, board certified emergency physician in Baltimore, Maryland. You are listening to our first episode, which will be a short introduction to the podcast. 

I decided to start this show to offer a glimpse into the ER and emergency medicine tailored towards the general public. This is in contrast to the many educational podcasts out there for health care providers. My hope is to explain how the ER operates and how providers think in a way that anyone can understand. There are many facets of our practice that I wish everyone knew so if they or their loved one find themselves here, they will be better prepared. If you are listening to this while actually inside the ER, well…good luck to you then my friend. 

I’m going to do my best to avoid a few pitfalls I often notice in similar content directed towards the public. First, it can be vague and sanitized. Speaking too generally of our practice and glossing over any uncomfortable topics. I plan to speak to you with as little filter and as much detail as possible to give you a true perspective into the work we do. I’ll also try to avoid another pitfall: sensationalism. This is that “True and Shocking Tales from the ER!” type of vibe with the most alarming and graphic stories possible. These unnerving tales do occur of course, but focusing on them exclusively would give you a false impression of the day to day. And the last pitfall…a lot of the content is just wrong. Like so frustratingly wrong, so we’re gonna avoid that!

My hope is the insights I have to share with you will not only educate and entertain, but also focus my understanding of my practice and bring me catharsis. The unique type of holistic stress one suffers from when working as a health care provider is difficult to explain, but I think an attempt is worth it. Everyone benefits when both the patient and their provider has a better grasp of what the other is going through.

Now let’s move through some disclaimers. 

First, this podcast will not be a substitute for seeing a medical professional. This podcast is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Please do not write in and ask, “what’s this rash I have?” I may not know and then it will be embarrassing for both of us. General questions or comments are fine but if you have any active medical concerns, please see your primary care provider or come to the ER…I guess.

Second, the views expressed here will be my own. I am not trying to represent my employer, where I work, or emergency medicine as a whole. Doctors can be a vainglorious bunch and they would never accept me as their leader.

Third, some of the topics discussed may be upsetting. As I said, I want to share my experiences truthfully but also with sensitivity. I will include trigger warnings for any particularly graphic episodes. You will not hear any stories purely for the shock, they will always be interesting and have value.

Fourth, I am going to joke around… Some of it may actually be funny! Just because I am joking does not mean I am trying to mock patients, their loved ones, or their conditions. Relying on humor, often dark humor, is normal for those working in stressful and depressing environments, such as the ER. To paraphrase the author Robert Heinlein, we laugh because it hurts.

Fifth, while I’m a professional physician, I am an amateur podcaster, at best. If there is something below amateur I would probably qualify. So please bear with me with any technical issues while we’re starting out.

I’m sure there are more disclaimers but that’s all I can think of right now so let’s wrap this one up!

Each episode or series will focus on a specific topic, and at the end I may respond to emails from y’all or comment on any current medical news. I have a lot medical friends and I may on occasion bring on anyone brave enough to join me. All fields of medicine have to interact with the ER in some way, so anyone is fair game.

For the initial launch of our podcast, we’re going to release this introduction and three more episodes at once. After that there will be a new episode every two weeks. If people like what they’re hearing and want more, and I don’t lose my mind, then we may add an episode here or there…maybe.

You may have noticed that I said “our podcast” instead of “my podcast.” This is intentional because I want this show to be a collaboration between myself, any future guests, and you, the listeners. While I am sitting in my wife’s home office talking to myself, my microphone propped up on the box it came in, hoping the neighbors can’t hear through the wall, this show hopefully will not exist in a vacuum. I want to connect with you and take in your feedback while keeping my voice as true and unfiltered as possible.

With that all said, welcome to…

Wait, wait! One more thing! No AI will be used in the writing or recording of this podcast! These are my words and this is my voice. A chatbot can’t intubate and it ain’t makin’ this podcast.

…Ok, where were we? Oh, right! With that all said, welcome to the podcast! Join us next time on Inside the ER! … and by next time I mean right now, because the next three episodes are already out! So go ahead and keep listening.

Thanks for joining me and all the best!

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